Our Hilary term events began with our second thought-provoking "Flash Talks" event! Three Oxford DPhil students each gave a brief insight into their fields, given around 15 minutes and a whiteboard, to an audience that filled Magdalen's Daubeny Lab.

In Week 8 of Michaelmas we held our first Quantum Coding Workshop. The workshop was open to all students regardless of background or expertise. The event took place at the Oxford Foundry and our 25 spaces for the event had quickly sold out. The focus was on exposing the members to Qiskit, an open-source Python library which is used...

On Monday 25th November, we invited four panellists to take part in a very well attended discussion on the Future of Quantum Technology. We were fortunate enough to have Prof. Steve Simon, Dr Natalia Ares, Shuxiang Cao and Amy Hughes as panellists. Their research interests range from topological quantum computing to qubit scalability with machine...

If you happened to be passing the foyer of the Physics Beecroft Building between 1pm and 2pm on Wednesday 20th November, you may have spotted some gatherings of students excitedly sharing their ideas about quantum computing. They were meeting for the start of a lab tour demonstrating a candidate for the future of quantum computers: ion traps.

On the 11th November 2019, we held our first quantum information "Flash Talks" event. We invited Adityer Ayer, Sam Kuypers and Nicetu Vidal to give short talks, armed only with a whiteboard, followed by questions and discussion with the audience. All the speakers are DPhil students in the Oxford Physics Department 'Frontiers of Quantum Physics'...

Wednesday 6th November saw Quantum Information Society's very first event. We were honoured to hear an extremely intriguing talk by Professor Vlatko Vedral on non-equilibrium quantum thermodynamics, at Magdalen College's Daubeny Lab.

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Quantum Information Society is a student society at the University of Oxford
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